Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who Knows?!?! :)

Well, good evening, my Blog Friends!  Let me say right from the is getting late, I have had 3 sodas, and I have no idea what I am going to write about tonight.  I am just winging it......hahahaha...that in itself is funny coming from a "chicken" farmer's wife...winging it...chicken...hahahaha!, as I was saying...I apologize in advance for how this post may turn out!

By the way, if you really need to know what it takes to get me to this mood that I am in....just some soda and chocolate.  And just so you know, I have had both within the last hour!  :D :D :D :D

Ok...first on my mind.  I need to let you all know since writing my last post, I have been given a pair of bib overalls!!  When I get a chance I will get a picture taken of me in them and post it.  But it has been too cold here to be outside without a coat, and I want my picture taken by the barn. I mean, that really is the appropriate place for it to be taken.  Thanks, Pat, for the bibs! Love them!  I also was offered help to start a garden, and told about a boat for sale.  Yep...pretty cool to have readers helping me with my wants.  It was not the kind of boat I wanted, and I really don't plan to buy a boat, but I thought it was really cool that someone thought about telling me about it.  Love you, my blog friends!  As for the may be this may not be, but I am still going to check out my friend's garden...I love gardens.   I want to grow green beans, sugar peas, radishes, little tomatoes, and I am not sure what else.  Then I want to have flowers around them because my neighbor does that to her garden and it is absolutely beautiful! one has offered me an elephant.  Too bad.

I asked my son what I should write about.  He said potatoes...hahaha...yep, that's my boy.  So, as most mothers try to keep their kids happy....I am going to give you some trivia about potatoes.  (and to make sure I give credit to where credit is due....I found this info on the Northern Plains Potato website....  Check it out...lots more trivia there!  But here is some that I liked.....
1.  The world's only Potato Museum is located in Washington, D.C.  (Why not Idaho?)
2.  The first potato chip queen was crowned in 1946...she has a court of five members.  (What do you think they do?)
3.  During the 18th century, potatoes were served as a and salted, in a napkin.  (I am all for desserts!)
4.  Thomas Jefferson gets the credit for introducing french fries to America when he served them at a White House dinner.  (I don't have any comments for this one..sorry...well...I guess I could say, "thank you!" I love french fries!)
5.  Vincent Van Gogh painted 4 still-life canvases devoted entirely to the potato.  (He must have loved potatoes.  But potatoes aren't even pretty...why would you paint a picture of them, let alone 4!?!?)

Ok...thanks to Stephen, I have educated you a little bit, perhaps, on potatoes.

New on the chicken farm.  I absolutely love living here.  But tonight is one of those nights that I feel bad for my husband.  He is still out at the chicken houses.  He had chickens going out tonight, so he has to wait for the catchers to leave. Then he has to go around and put all the equipment down again.  And for those of you who were non-chicken farmer raised...the equipment is the feeders and the water lines, and I think there is something else, but since I haven't done this yet, I have forgotten what it is.  I will ask Rod again and get back to you on that one.  I also know he has to still walk through parts of the chicken house because he didn't have time to before the catchers came.  Needles to is going to be a late night for him.  So, instead of going to bed without him, you all get a new blog from me!

Oh, guess what! I am excited for this.  Since I now live on a farm, and have a huge yard, and a husband who can drive a tractor, I am going to be having an egg hunt for a bunch of little kids here!! WooHoo!!! I am so excited.  We are going to have a hunt and then also a hay ride--that's the part where Rod comes in...hehehe.  (ok...I cheated...I am copying a friend of mine who did this at her parent's farm many years ago...but she said she didn't care that I copied her...Thanks, Tammy!!!) We had such a blast that year, and my kids still remember that I want to make a bunch of kids happy like they did.  I have had two people give me plastic eggs already...but I want to fill A LOT of eggs so that each kid can find a lot...and they all go home feeling like the world's best egg hunters!!  So, if anyone wants to get rid of their plastic eggs, please let me know!

Old other house....tomorrow Rod and I are going to go haul more junk out.  I am finding this harder than I thought.  It is one thing to throw things out that were no good, but to be throwing things out that used to be good but are now ruined from soot is just sad.  Please say a prayer for my sentimental (almost to the point of hoarding) heart....I know this is for the best in the long run, but that doesn't make it easier.  I just keep saying to myself...this is material things...I won't be taking any of it to Heaven with me anyway.

I am anxious for Spring here on the farm.  I can't wait to plant flowers, to go for walks, let my little kids play outside, clean up from the winter mess and dirt, and possibly get some PIGS!!!  I am hoping and hoping it works out to get the pigs.  Got any good pig names?  Little piglets are so cute...and can you just imagine how excited my little kids will get with little pigs! Can you imagine how excited I will get with little pigs???
Right now, everything is muddy.  I am not much for mud.  Unless of course, you are having sliding practice.  I always loved sliding practice for softball.  In high school, we practiced several times in the mud, and at least once in the gym with a blanket, but in college we practiced in the snow.  I enjoyed that too.  Here's another tidbit about me that deals with mud.  I mud wrestled once, and absolutely loved it!!  It was when I was at Camp Bethel in Wise, VA.  The mud was a greenish-brown...kind of gross, but I was thrilled that I got to be the girl from our team to do it.  (no one else on my team wanted to...too bad for them, sweet for me!)  And I won.  Something I am quite proud of. hahaha Those were great days and great memories.  I love Camp Bethel!

Hmmm...after reading this last paragraph again, I think maybe I do like play in, but not as a housewife or babysitter who has to clean everything up from it or who can't take the kids outside because of it. everything else, mud has good points and bad points.  Mud is from now on going to be labeled neutral...not good or bad...just mud.

This blog is getting a little long...and my mind is scattering in every in order for me to keep you thinking I am somewhat sane...I will stop here.  So, until next time my blog friends, EAT MORE CHICKENS! :)