Thursday, July 24, 2014

Snout Snuggles!

Hehehehe....this will be short....but I just giggled the whole way in from the barn. I just got a snuggle (on my arm) from my pig! Hahaha... It felt really weird! I went out to give them water, and my cute little..but getting much bigger....pig stopped drinking and rubbed her snout all over my arm as though to say 'thank you!'  What a good pig!   Ok...that is it. I just had to tell someone, so I told you, my blogger friends!

:) :) :) :) :)

So, until next more chicken, and go get snuggles from your pig! It's funny!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Knocking Down the Chicken House!

Hello Blogger friends!  Wow...two blogs within two weeks....the juices must be flowing!  Well, actually, not really, but I had to write about my escapades today. And just so you know, as I am writing this, I am sitting in chicken poop dust-crusted clothes...waiting for the next truck to come. So imagine the smell that goes with this.  Too bad I can't incorporate smells into the blog....or, maybe that's a good thing!

It is day two of me running the skid loader.  Only today did not go quite as smoothly.  We were in the other chicken house today..and the feeders and water lines are lower than in the other house.  I was being so careful, but still trying to show a little more confidence than the last time.  Now was my second time, not my first...I should know what I am doing, right?  Well, I did do good until Rod had to direct me to the other side of the poop.  He put a feeder up in one spot and then in another...for me to go through to get to where I was supposed to be.  He said to be careful not to run the bucket into the wall. I was very careful. I did not hit the wall.  So feeling even more confident, I went to make the second turn back in towards the middle.  I was watching the feeders, and not hitting a single one. Then..BUMP! I looked down and the bucket hit a pole!! Oh, no! Oh, my! And Rod watching this the whole time!! Oh, no! Oh, my!  And I didn't just bump it a little...nope...I knocked it out!! OH, NO! OH, MY!  I watched the pole fall down...toward me...and just watched...not thinking it could have hit me.  Nope, that was not my worry at all!  I was more concerned about the roof above Rod!  So I looked at him.  And he looked at me.  And he smiled! Yep, he smiled at me and said it was ok, he had done that before too.  Here I was waiting for the roof to sag or cave or do something, and he just smiled at me, picked the pole up and put it back.

Needless to say, after that, I was back to a lot less confidence...going forward and backward much more slowly.  I was flustered and jittered (I know that isn't really a word, but again...I like it, and I am using it!) I was so happy when we were done with those piles.

So, now, I have to go out to do it again....push poop I mean, not knock any more polls! I hope we all survive! hahahahaha  No, really, say a prayer!!!!!

So, until next time...if I make it through for a next more chicken!

Friday, June 20, 2014

A New Job

Hello, my blogger friends! guessed it...a new job for me... pushing chicken poop! I LEARNED TO DRIVE A SKID LOADER TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a picture...

Now..remember...this is BEFORE we started to actually work. I was clean and I didn't have my mask on yet. Yes, I did wear a mask just like my friend Marjorie told me to! 

 I was so excited to learn to drive the skid loader today that I did not sleep well last night, and also, I had to go to the bathroom at least THREE times before I even had to go out to the chicken houses..which was at six this morning! THREE times! I usually only go three times from morning until afternoon on a normal day.  Then when I got out there, I wished I had gone again....I was excited and nervous about how I would do.  Rod does things in a particular way, and I did not want to disappoint him.  I also went another three times after the first truck was loaded, while we were waiting for the truck to come back for the second load! Not that you all needed to know that...just trying to make a point on how my nerves were handling this new adventure!

So, like I said...I never drove one of these before.(I did sit in one once when no one was looking though...just for the fun of it and to satisfy my curiosity.)  Rod even had to show me how to turn it on. He said that once in the chicken house, I would have to rev it up faster...I just kept it on turtle speed outside...(see how big and brave I am? hahaha) I was having fun outside..that wasn't too hard.  Rod said to practice lifting the bucket up and down and dumping it.  I thought it was just for fun, but I found out later that I should have practiced that quite a few more times!  I had to actually do that in the chicken house...with a low roof above me! And in the chicken house, we had to put the skid loader up closer to rabbit more turtle!

I will say, Rod was very patient...and encouraging.  I didn't break any lights! or break any feeders or break any waterlines! And I don't think I knocked any poles!  I did however keep getting the controls mixed putting the bucket up and down and dumping.  I put the bucket down too far sometimes that it actually lifted the skid loader up.  I thought that was kind of fun after I realized what I was doing.  Also....I am not sure about my feelings of running over a pile of poop while going backwards and feeling like the skid loader was tipping over! I was glad when I got back far enough off the poop pile to be back level again.  Afterwards I laughed, but not during! 

Here are some things I learned today.....

         1.  Skid loaders are not the easiest thing to get into if you have short I do. 

         2.  Water and food do not taste as good after pushing chicken poop until you brush your teeth...even if you do wear a mask.

         3.  When your husband says practice putting the loader's bucket up and down...he doesn't mean for  your enjoyment..there is another you are going to have to know how to do it!

         4.  You will look like you have been drinking afterwards, because your eyes burn a bit from the dust    and manure.

         5.  Get a cute hat.  I want a pink one maybe.  When I washed my hair...well, lets just say it was pretty  gross.  I washed it twice! Your hair will still get dirty with a hat, but I think it would be better. (I did however remember to wear my chicken earrings...I mean really, how many opportunities do you have to wear chicken earrings?!?)

         6.  I LOVED driving the skid loader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know I am not very good at it,  but it was so fun! 

Here is what I looked like afterwards.....

        Nice and dirty and VERY stinky!!! The truck had an air hose thing that we used to blow off some of the dust...that helped quite a bit! 

 Rod said we loaded 48 tons of chicken poop!!  WooHoo for us!  Oh, and by the can see my chicken earrings in these two pictures! :)  I know the pictures aren't very good ones, but really....who looks good after cleaning up chicken manure?!?

So, until next time...or my next adventure....EAT MORE CHICKEN!!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Out, Down, Off and In!

Well, here it May, and I have so much to catch you all up on.  Like Rod and I have hit our sixth month anniversary!!  WooHoo!!  Congratulations to me! :) :) :)  hahaha We are still working on first year quirks, but I am absolutely loving being married to him!  And I LOVE being a farmer's wife! (Especially since he really doesn't make me go out and pick up dead chickens much at all!)  

But I have two exciting events that happened to me yesterday...and they both have to do with living on a farm...well, at least one does, and the other one does for me...I will explain that later.  But the first and most exciting news.....I have waited 45 years to have a farm animal, and after last night, I have finally got one of my childhood dreams....we got FIVE little piglets!!!!!! I always wanted farm animals, and actually, I wanted a cow, but I am quite happy with PIGS!!  The piglets like to snuggle is so sweet! Well, one was not impressed with snuggling, but the other two I held were.

Here are my (our)piglets.....

Aren't they so cute!!! But they do stink right now....but still so lovable!  I will get pictures later of them up and about, but I couldn't disturb them this morning...they were sleeping so cutely (if that is a word?!?!...if not, it should be! so I am using it!)

Now, my next exciting farm news, and sorry, I don't have any pictures of this, but....wait for it....I mowed the yard with a riding mower!!!!  I know...exciting, right?!  Well, it is for me...and its a mower with the blade thing on the front.  So, its not even just a little mower.  Let me tell you...I am not too good at it though. There are quite a few spots I see today that I missed.   But I did most of the yard before it started to down pour, so I was happy with that.  
Growing up, my dad mowed....and sometimes, yes even us kids pushed the push mower, but I never got to drive a mower (to actually mow, I mean.  I did drive a mower from JMS to the mower fix-it shop, but that wasn't mowing, and I never had to put it in reverse!) .  Now I must tell you, mowing was fun!!!!!  I loved going up and down the little bumps in our yard...watching the grass fly out the one side.  To see the difference in the areas that were cut and the areas that weren' satisfying.  To know that I was saving my husband a lot of work and time....priceless!  I think I could enjoy this job...maybe not as much when it is 90+ degrees out, but still, not a bad job at all!

Well, rained quite heavily in our area last night. The school kids even had a two hour delay for flooding!  So, I am going to stop this post here and go help my parents who had water in their basement.  I am very glad to have the day off so that I am available to help them....again a priceless feeling knowing I can do something for the two people in my life who have done the most for me!

So, until I can get back on my computer to write some more posts....EAT MORE CHICKEN!  Hey, which reminds me of something...yesterday here on the farm, we had chickens going out, rain coming down, grass cutting off, and pigs coming in! What excitement living on the farm!!! hahahah :) :) :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Sorry all my Blog friends that it has been so long, but I was having trouble with my computer (desk computer, not my mini ipad) and I hate typing on my ipad for I just didn't write a post.  But now that my computer should be good, I will be writing a new post shortly.  I are all so happy about that, right?  hahahaha Well, I, until I can sit and type, this will have to be it for now.  Love you all!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who Knows?!?! :)

Well, good evening, my Blog Friends!  Let me say right from the is getting late, I have had 3 sodas, and I have no idea what I am going to write about tonight.  I am just winging it......hahahaha...that in itself is funny coming from a "chicken" farmer's wife...winging it...chicken...hahahaha!, as I was saying...I apologize in advance for how this post may turn out!

By the way, if you really need to know what it takes to get me to this mood that I am in....just some soda and chocolate.  And just so you know, I have had both within the last hour!  :D :D :D :D

Ok...first on my mind.  I need to let you all know since writing my last post, I have been given a pair of bib overalls!!  When I get a chance I will get a picture taken of me in them and post it.  But it has been too cold here to be outside without a coat, and I want my picture taken by the barn. I mean, that really is the appropriate place for it to be taken.  Thanks, Pat, for the bibs! Love them!  I also was offered help to start a garden, and told about a boat for sale.  Yep...pretty cool to have readers helping me with my wants.  It was not the kind of boat I wanted, and I really don't plan to buy a boat, but I thought it was really cool that someone thought about telling me about it.  Love you, my blog friends!  As for the may be this may not be, but I am still going to check out my friend's garden...I love gardens.   I want to grow green beans, sugar peas, radishes, little tomatoes, and I am not sure what else.  Then I want to have flowers around them because my neighbor does that to her garden and it is absolutely beautiful! one has offered me an elephant.  Too bad.

I asked my son what I should write about.  He said potatoes...hahaha...yep, that's my boy.  So, as most mothers try to keep their kids happy....I am going to give you some trivia about potatoes.  (and to make sure I give credit to where credit is due....I found this info on the Northern Plains Potato website....  Check it out...lots more trivia there!  But here is some that I liked.....
1.  The world's only Potato Museum is located in Washington, D.C.  (Why not Idaho?)
2.  The first potato chip queen was crowned in 1946...she has a court of five members.  (What do you think they do?)
3.  During the 18th century, potatoes were served as a and salted, in a napkin.  (I am all for desserts!)
4.  Thomas Jefferson gets the credit for introducing french fries to America when he served them at a White House dinner.  (I don't have any comments for this one..sorry...well...I guess I could say, "thank you!" I love french fries!)
5.  Vincent Van Gogh painted 4 still-life canvases devoted entirely to the potato.  (He must have loved potatoes.  But potatoes aren't even pretty...why would you paint a picture of them, let alone 4!?!?)

Ok...thanks to Stephen, I have educated you a little bit, perhaps, on potatoes.

New on the chicken farm.  I absolutely love living here.  But tonight is one of those nights that I feel bad for my husband.  He is still out at the chicken houses.  He had chickens going out tonight, so he has to wait for the catchers to leave. Then he has to go around and put all the equipment down again.  And for those of you who were non-chicken farmer raised...the equipment is the feeders and the water lines, and I think there is something else, but since I haven't done this yet, I have forgotten what it is.  I will ask Rod again and get back to you on that one.  I also know he has to still walk through parts of the chicken house because he didn't have time to before the catchers came.  Needles to is going to be a late night for him.  So, instead of going to bed without him, you all get a new blog from me!

Oh, guess what! I am excited for this.  Since I now live on a farm, and have a huge yard, and a husband who can drive a tractor, I am going to be having an egg hunt for a bunch of little kids here!! WooHoo!!! I am so excited.  We are going to have a hunt and then also a hay ride--that's the part where Rod comes in...hehehe.  (ok...I cheated...I am copying a friend of mine who did this at her parent's farm many years ago...but she said she didn't care that I copied her...Thanks, Tammy!!!) We had such a blast that year, and my kids still remember that I want to make a bunch of kids happy like they did.  I have had two people give me plastic eggs already...but I want to fill A LOT of eggs so that each kid can find a lot...and they all go home feeling like the world's best egg hunters!!  So, if anyone wants to get rid of their plastic eggs, please let me know!

Old other house....tomorrow Rod and I are going to go haul more junk out.  I am finding this harder than I thought.  It is one thing to throw things out that were no good, but to be throwing things out that used to be good but are now ruined from soot is just sad.  Please say a prayer for my sentimental (almost to the point of hoarding) heart....I know this is for the best in the long run, but that doesn't make it easier.  I just keep saying to myself...this is material things...I won't be taking any of it to Heaven with me anyway.

I am anxious for Spring here on the farm.  I can't wait to plant flowers, to go for walks, let my little kids play outside, clean up from the winter mess and dirt, and possibly get some PIGS!!!  I am hoping and hoping it works out to get the pigs.  Got any good pig names?  Little piglets are so cute...and can you just imagine how excited my little kids will get with little pigs! Can you imagine how excited I will get with little pigs???
Right now, everything is muddy.  I am not much for mud.  Unless of course, you are having sliding practice.  I always loved sliding practice for softball.  In high school, we practiced several times in the mud, and at least once in the gym with a blanket, but in college we practiced in the snow.  I enjoyed that too.  Here's another tidbit about me that deals with mud.  I mud wrestled once, and absolutely loved it!!  It was when I was at Camp Bethel in Wise, VA.  The mud was a greenish-brown...kind of gross, but I was thrilled that I got to be the girl from our team to do it.  (no one else on my team wanted to...too bad for them, sweet for me!)  And I won.  Something I am quite proud of. hahaha Those were great days and great memories.  I love Camp Bethel!

Hmmm...after reading this last paragraph again, I think maybe I do like play in, but not as a housewife or babysitter who has to clean everything up from it or who can't take the kids outside because of it. everything else, mud has good points and bad points.  Mud is from now on going to be labeled neutral...not good or bad...just mud.

This blog is getting a little long...and my mind is scattering in every in order for me to keep you thinking I am somewhat sane...I will stop here.  So, until next time my blog friends, EAT MORE CHICKENS! :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wants here it is almost the end of February! Can you believe it?!?! I am itching for Spring and the beautiful green grass and all the pretty flowers and the light/ or no jacket weather.  I just love not being in winter!  I sat here thinking tonight...."Andrea, you have many wants!"  and I guess I do.  So I thought I might list a few.....but before I do, I don't want you to think I am being ungrateful for what I have....nope...I am very happy with what I have.  I love living here on the farm with my husband.  I have a full (and pretty round...hahahaha) belly, clothes on my back, a warm house to sleep.  We are all healthy.  God has greatly blessed us.  Still I, like anyone else I know, have some here they are...( and I am not going into world peace or such stuff...this is material stuff...and just for fun, so please don't get on my case about it....IT IS JUST FOR FUN!!)

1.  A real farm animal....I don't mean the chickens we raise...I mean like a cow, pig, horse, goat, sheep...etc.  if I really had my choice, it would be a cow...I love cows.  But Rod said they eat too much, and you have to milk them twice everyday...too much added work.  But I want a farm animal that is mine. :)

2.  Bib overalls....I know I would look funny in them, but I really don't care.  I look kind of goofy in my blog profile picture, but I posted that for the world to see.  Do you really think I would care what others thought about me in bib overalls?  However, I am not sure they make them for short round females.  The only ones I ever saw were mens...and they are too long, or girls that are tiny, or kids.  Someday I will find them at Goodwill and I will wear them proudly!! I may even have to change my profile picture!

3.  To learn to drive a tractor.  Rod just kind of laughs when I say this, so I may need someone else to teach me.  :)  Wouldn't that be a surprise to Rod if  he came home some night and saw me driving a tractor! hahahaha...that makes me laugh just thinking about it.

4.  A tractor...if I am going to learn to drive one, don't you think I should have one of my own?  I saw people square dancing tractors once...maybe I could get good enough to do that someday! For now, I would be happy just to drive one in a straight line!

5.  A truck...again one of my own.  I have driven Rod's twice now...and it is FUN!  Although, I would like a little smaller of one.  That would really be fun to take to yard sales...boy oh boy I could load that thing up!

6.  A boat....I love to go tubing.  Not a pleasant sight to see me bouncing up and down on the water...but it sure is fun!

7.  A miniature collie....I love them...and they are so pretty and so smart.

8.  A garden....and someone to teach me how to make it a good one.  I don't really know the rules of planting a garden...I just know I have to keep ahead of the weeds.  That is what a friend told me who has a beautiful garden every year.  I want to plant green beans and let them on the stalk a little long so the seeds inside get a little brown...that's how I remember my aunts green beans when she cooked them....I loved them!

9.  A laptop computer.  I know this doesn't seem to go with the rest, but its still what I want.  Then I could take it up to my parents house and show them all sorts of friends and families pictures and stuff on it.  Also, I could take it outside, sit under a tree and just enjoy the life on a farm feeling.

10.  I can't think of anything else I want right I will put something really about an elephant?  Wouldn't it be fun to you want to see my elephant?  hahahaha and people would be like, "WHAT?"  hehehehe that would be so much fun.  And I could ride it all over or give other people rides on it.  Now, after having an elephant, a cow would not seem to eat too much! hahahaha Maybe I should have asked for an elephant before I asked for a cow! tonight was a night of funny wants.  Here is the last one....I want you to EAT MORE CHICKEN!!  hahaha  Good night, my blog friends! I need to get to bed before I crack myself up too much! :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Trying to be Thankful in All Things

Hello my blog friends!  Once again, it has been awhile since I have written a post.  I have not had to be out in the chicken house lately, so there really isn't anything funny I can tell you about that.  Although I did help him flush water lines the other week...I am becoming a pro at that! hahaha  He did have to fix a pipe....but he knew exactly what to do, so that was no biggie.  I have also had to turn on or off feeders....again, no biggie...but that has been my extent in the chicken houses.  

I will say, our farm looks like we are sitting in little white mountains....there is snow plowed up everywhere!  It makes me very thankful that he plows with tractor things rather than having to shovel it! My mom called the other day and said that their neighbor came over with their snow blower to help remove the snow from my parents driveway (thank you, Curt) and she had shoveled some too.  Then she asked me, "do you and Rod have a good shovel for up there?"  I just giggled...and said, "Mom, we don't need shovels...we have tractors!"  (Rod does use a shovel for a little bit of the sidewalk, but it just made me laugh...and her too when she thought about it!)

Oh, a problem I am having...trying to get my license updated.  To make a long story a little shorter, I went on Saturday to try to get this done.  (I don't have many opportunities to get to the DMV)  To my shock and surprise, they were closed...and yes, I did check on the computer to see if they are open on Saturdays..which they are.  Why closed...because of snow? Nope...because Monday(today) is a holiday.  So..remember that..if you need to go to the DMV on a Saturday, just make sure the following Monday is not a holiday...or else they will be closed.  Ok...I need to be thankful for something here....well, I got to spend more time shopping while I was waiting for Lauren to be done working.  I had driven out with her to save gas..and she only worked until 12:15, so it wasn't like I had a whole day to spend out there, just a few hours.  And I got a lot of bargains at Kohl's!...for which I was very thankful!

Other, I got a call from the oil man who brings the oil to my other house.  He said he couldn't deliver oil because he couldn't find the steps to get into the yard! They were covered by more than a foot of snow and ice from the snow blower! (I am thankful, though, that our neighbor used his snow blower to clear the sidewalks....I don't need to worry about getting up there every time it snows)  So tonight I had to go up to shovel out the steps.  The oilman was couldn't even see the steps or even tell where they were supposed to be!  Thankfully my neighbor came over with a hoe-type thing to help break up the ice.  I broke one of my old shovels trying to break up the ice!  I love good neighbors...I had them there and I have new ones here...God sure has blessed me all my life with good neighbors!

Oh, the reason I was concerned so much about making sure the oil man could come...I don't want to run out of oil again.  Yes, again.  For the first time ever, I ran totally out of oil up at the other house.  And guess what...the entire house inside is black.  Yep.....BLACK!! Apparently a furnace gets mad when it is empty and decides to get even!  I mean....if a furnace could get mad, mine was furious!!!!!!Seriously....was all that soot needed to teach me a lesson? Apparently I needed a big impact to make sure I learned my lesson.  I DID! I DID! I DID learn that I never ever want to run totally out of oil again!   But , (trying to be thankful)... because of this incident, we got the furnace cleaned...which apparently was LONG, LONG overdue!  

I started sweeping it up today...I never realized how many little spiderwebs are in a house.  Granted, we haven't lived there for almost 4 months, but still, there were a lot of little black webs in all the little nooks and crannies of the house.   I have a mountainous job to get it cleaned up....any volunteers to help?  If so, wear black!  hahaha.  If I think about it, I will take pictures on Saturday when I go up to really get started.  If you have never experienced this, you will be totally amazed! How to be thankful....I am thankful that we had a lot of stuff already moved out of the could have been worse!

I was feeling a bit defeated tonight when I went up there and also coming home.  However, a twenty minute ride home was just what I needed.  Instead of letting everything bring me down, I decided to give it to God.  I remembered my life verse..."He does not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind"  and I also thought about how we are to be thankful in everything...good or bad.  Hence, the thankful blog. I am...admitting that I am trying hard to not be defeated and finding that the harder I work at trying to be thankful, the better my spirit becomes and the more relaxed I become.  God is good...ALL the matter if life is throwing us candy or rotten tomatoes...He is faithful.  Shouldn't we try to be faithful to Him?  I am trying!

Until next more chicken!!! (and be thankful for it!)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fun...Fabulous...and Full...FEBRUARY

Hello, Blogger friends!  Can you believe its February?!?  It used to my immediate family...that February was a month that had no special dates really specific to our family.  No birthdays, and no anniversaries.  Then my sister got married in February and not only that, but her husband's birthday was February.  Then, my second daughter was born...yep in February.  Then I met Rod...and his birthday is in February and so is my son-in-law's!  And, my second daughter's boyfriends birthday is today...again in February!  Wow!  Also, now being married again....I look forward to Valentine's Day as a newly wedded couple!!  Woohoo for February!! What a happy month!

We started out this month with a family bowling night....that was a lot of fun.  I even broke 100 points in one of my games...a true rarity!  And for the first time in my ENTIRE life, I got to roll the ball all 3 times in the last frame...with a strike on the last ball! Woohoo for me!!  I thought that was really, really cool.  After bowling we went for Chinese food....I love Chinese what else could be a better ending for the evening?

I also got to go grocery shopping with some of my friends today...yep, grocery shopping for 3 different households...with all groceries going into one van.  And the store was having a 20% off everything sale today!  Love it!!  WooHoo!  Grocery shopping with friends is so much more fun (and funnier) with friends.  I had an absolutely wonderfully fabulous time today!  Thanks Lisa and Rachel for such a fun morning!

Oh, its also almost time for peeps again in our second house.  We get them on Tuesday, so Monday night I get to wear my work boots to go help flush water lines!! Can I get another "Woohoo!!!" ?  I don't get to help dump peeps though this week, because I will have the little ones I babysit here, and I won't be able to go out to the chicken house to help.  :(  I will look in on them though...they are so cute when they first get here.

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday!  We are having a very small party here...but will have lots of food! ...yep, you guessed it...Woohoo!!!!!!  Fun commercials, food, family and friends...oh, and football....all in February!!! I love happy days filled with friends, family, and food....God sure does bless us, doesn't He?!?   Just look for the good and you can find it.

Ok, its late...(as you might be able to tell by my, I am not drunk...I have never been drunk, and I plan it keep it that way!)...I have had a fun-filled day and I am tired and ready to go to bed.  But I just wanted to wish all my Blogger friends a very Fabulously Fantastic February!! WooHoo!!!!!!

Oh...and by the more chicken!

Friday, January 24, 2014

No News is News

Hello again, my blog friends!  How can it be close to the end of January already?  Time flies by!  I realized I have not posted for quite awhile and thought, "Why not?"  I came to the conclusion that I was thinking that I haven't done much in the chicken house to write about. Then I thought again...and realized that this blog is not just about the chicken house.  It is about my LIFE as a chicken farmer's wife.  I have a life whether or not I am in the chicken house!

So, what have I been doing?   Hmmmm.  Well, I think the biggest and continuing task I have right now is moving one very full house into another very full house, will only a few evenings here and there and only partial Saturdays to do it.  Sound like a complaint in there?  Yep..there is.  Sorry.  We are to do things without complaining.  I need to work on that! :)  It is a hard job made harder by the fact that my husband and I both like stuff!!  and have A LOT of it!  I have been trying to slowly figure out what to keep, what to store, what to give, what to keep for a possible yard sale,  and what to pitch.  Not an easy task....and for a disorganized person like seems endless.  Anybody have a magic wand?

Hahaha...this makes me think about a pastor friend of mine who used to ask me, "Andrea, don't you see the light at the end of the tunnel?"  Which would frustrate me to no end....and he knew it, but was always encouraging me with that and it always made me realize that "this too shall pass."  And after my divorce was finally over (which was the tunnel he was referring to), and I started to get used to the other end of the tunnel, I got myself into another tunnel...waiting for Rod.  So he said, "Andrea, you must like tunnels."  hehehe....NO!! No, I don't.  I just seem to keep finding myself in them.  Now my tunnel is just getting my other house cleaned out.  This tunnel is not near as bad as the other two.  I am very thankful for that! :)  See....there is always, Always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!  And no, Pastor Paul....I still do not like tunnels, but this time, I do see the light at the end of it! :) is a funny boots.....I haven't used them yet!!  Hahaha....we bought boots for me to work in the chicken house, and I haven't had to since.....hehehehe...that just makes me laugh.  So..for all you farmer's wives out there...don't want to work in the barn?  Buy work boots!!!!  :)

Ok...must go start my day....have to check the wood stove..yep, that is one of my new jobs as a keep the fires keep the house warm.  I don't mind it...unless I forget and it goes out and then I have to start it again.  Not hard to do, but sure does make me smell like a campfire!  Although, come to think of it....I like the thought of a campfire...and roasting marshmallows.  Has anyone ever roasted marshmallows in the wood stove? that's a thought to make it rewarding! Ha! I will let you know if I ever make s'mores in our wood stove.  YUM!

Well, until next more chicken....and s'mores!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

All Wet :(

So, today's post is not about chicken farms or me being a chicken farmer's wife.  But it is the result of moving to the farm.  You see, at my other house....where I lived before I got MARRIED....a pipe broke.  I don't know if it was yesterday or when exactly it broke, but there was water everywhere in my laundry room and a foot of water in my basement.  Not good.

My son went up to the house for me today to get a few more things to bring down to the farmhouse.  I got a call from him saying that there was water in the basement, but that he and our wonderful neighbor got the water turned off.  They were going to pump it out, but there was no where to pump it too because of where the house was located, if they pump it out and it went to the road, it would turn to ice and possibly cause an accident.  So, we are letting it recede on its own for now.

After coming back home (and in different clothes and shoes because his first set got very wet...and he was very thankful there were still some clothes and shoes up at that house for him to wear), he volunteered to go  back up with me when I said I had to go up to get some of the stuff to get it dried out.  (side note, my daughter also said she would have helped, but at the time, she was still babysitting....I am thankful they both cared and offered to help)

Well, good news...I don't think the pipe will be too much to fix...and that is coming from me...who knows nothing, so I am hoping I am right about that!  The water didn't reach the furnace...very good news.  Also, good ....there were only a handful of pictures in a box that got soaked.  So I brought them home, and they now cover my living room floor.  To me, other things are material.  Yes, valuable, but still replaceable.

We brought home a laundry basket full of soaked coats, and clothes.  a sewing machine (hopefully that will still work after it is dried out) and a deer head! was in the freezer and my son wants to get it done up to hang on his wall.  Well, with the freezer possibly done for, we had to bring that head home...thankfully it is cold enough to keep it outside for the night or a few nights.

Something kind of cool looking....apparently the water in the laundry room was spraying at the window....there was a two inch thick sheet of ice on the window....not a good thing, but it was really neat to see.  Kind of pretty.  I wouldn't suggest spraying water on your windows though just to see what it looks like though.

Oh, something else I learned wonderful hounds tooth boots..which are actually rain boots...must have a hole in each of them...because my feet were swimming in water inside the boots!!  In cold water!!!  I was so glad I just took them along to wear in the basement.  I had my sneakers along to wear home...and there were extra socks still up at the house.  But so much for waterproof boots.

I am could have been worse.  There is definite damage done, but  we are safe and sound here in the farmhouse....and it is warm and cozy here.

I know this isn't as fun of a post, but its still an event in my life here.  Life isn't all fun....but it is what it is.  And as one of my all time favorite sayings goes....there is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for.
So until next more chickens...and check your rain boots for holes! :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

It's Gotta Be Official Now!

Guess what! Guess what!! Guess what.....I got new chicken boots!! I should be official now...they are real work boots...bought just for me....for working in the chicken house!! husband bought me them tonight when we were shopping at the Village Merchants.  I was so excited, I told him I couldn't wait to get home to blog about it!  They are a little big, but that is ok.  I can wear thicker socks that way to keep my toes warmer while walking out to the chicken house on these bitter cold mornings.

Here is a picture of my new boots....I just love them!.....

So...all you other chicken farmer's wives (or anyone out there really) what do you think?  I am just smiling from ear to ear.  I mean, I still love my hounds tooth ones, but they are not warm and really are not made to be work boots.  They did the job good though for me.  But these are work boots and those were rain boots...and now I will keep them as such.

Ok...this proud chicken boot owner is done raving  about my boots.  I am going to go put them on again and then put them where they belong with Rod's work boots. :)

So, until next more chicken!