Hello again, my blog friends! How can it be close to the end of January already? Time flies by! I realized I have not posted for quite awhile and thought, "Why not?" I came to the conclusion that I was thinking that I haven't done much in the chicken house to write about. Then I thought again...and realized that this blog is not just about the chicken house. It is about my LIFE as a chicken farmer's wife. I have a life whether or not I am in the chicken house!
So, what have I been doing? Hmmmm. Well, I think the biggest and continuing task I have right now is moving one very full house into another very full house, will only a few evenings here and there and only partial Saturdays to do it. Sound like a complaint in there? Yep..there is. Sorry. We are to do things without complaining. I need to work on that! :) It is a hard job made harder by the fact that my husband and I both like stuff!! and have A LOT of it! I have been trying to slowly figure out what to keep, what to store, what to give, what to keep for a possible yard sale, and what to pitch. Not an easy task....and for a disorganized person like me....it seems endless. Anybody have a magic wand?
Hahaha...this makes me think about a pastor friend of mine who used to ask me, "Andrea, don't you see the light at the end of the tunnel?" Which would frustrate me to no end....and he knew it, but was always encouraging me with that and it always made me realize that "this too shall pass." And after my divorce was finally over (which was the tunnel he was referring to), and I started to get used to the other end of the tunnel, I got myself into another tunnel...waiting for Rod. So he said, "Andrea, you must like tunnels." hehehe....NO!! No, I don't. I just seem to keep finding myself in them. Now my tunnel is just getting my other house cleaned out. This tunnel is not near as bad as the other two. I am very thankful for that! :) See....there is always, Always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for! And no, Pastor Paul....I still do not like tunnels, but this time, I do see the light at the end of it! :)
Oh....here is a funny tidbit....my boots.....I haven't used them yet!! Hahaha....we bought boots for me to work in the chicken house, and I haven't had to since.....hehehehe...that just makes me laugh. So..for all you farmer's wives out there...don't want to work in the barn? Buy work boots!!!! :)
Ok...must go start my day....have to check the wood stove..yep, that is one of my new jobs as a wife...to keep the fires burning...to keep the house warm. I don't mind it...unless I forget and it goes out and then I have to start it again. Not hard to do, but sure does make me smell like a campfire! Although, come to think of it....I like the thought of a campfire...and roasting marshmallows. Has anyone ever roasted marshmallows in the wood stove? Hmmmm....now that's a thought to make it rewarding! Ha! I will let you know if I ever make s'mores in our wood stove. YUM!
Well, until next time....eat more chicken....and s'mores!
Hey, when you find that magic packing/moving wand, send it over - I sure could use one.......love ya!