Friday, December 27, 2013

So Much Going On!

Hello, again, my Blog Friends!  Here it TEN days after my last post.  This shouldn't be..but here is my them or not...I was crazy busy doing all the usual Christmas stuff....which I admit, I LOVE! but still, it is a busy time, and then my computer was not working wouldn't let me get on the internet, and when it did, it was terribly more than a normal slow (if there is such a thing), but it was REALLY ...R..E..A..L...L.........Y slow!  And I don't like typing long things on my ipad I just waited for this chance that it might work for a little again...and is the day!! :)

Ok....First Christmas as a chicken farmer's wife.....I had a wonderful Christmas Eve and also Christmas.  I love this time of year....the happiness around, the little secrets of what you bought this person or that person, going to church and singing Christmas songs praising God for giving us His Only Son, the Christmas  get-togethers, and of course...the food!  But I especially loved waking up Christmas morning, saying "Merry Christmas" to my husband, and the first thing he said was, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!"  :)  I love that that was his first thought Christmas morning...of Jesus.  I love Rod for his faith!

On a funnier note.....some unusual things this Christmas...we had two Christmases.  One on Christmas Eve with his two younger kids, because they were spending Christmas day with their mom.  We fondued (must not be an actual word according to spell check, but that is what we always said, so I am sticking to it), and then we let Amber and Avery open their gifts.  It was a fun and relaxing evening to me....and I enjoyed watching everyone have fun "fondue-ing".
The other on Christmas day with two of my kids.  It was different not having Kelsey home to wake us all up VERY early in the morning, anxiously awaiting to open gifts.  Yes, she did take after her mother...I was the early bird on Christmas morning growing up too.  In fact, I remember one year when my brother literally picked me up and threw me on top of my oldest sister to get her up.  Needless to say, she was MAD! hahaha   Anyway, this year was the latest that I have EVER gotten up on Christmas, and the latest that we ever opened our gifts.    Here is the part being a chicken farmers came into play.....I had to go out to the chicken house to tell Rod when the kids got up!  Yep....never had to do that before!  I couldn't believe that he was actually going to go check chickens before we opened gifts!!!!  He did get up early and go out, but still...I must admit, I was in shock when he told me that! (he was willing to sit away from us in his chicken clothes to let them open gifts....I said, "no" ....we wanted him to shower first...hahahahaha! I love his sense of humor. :)
We did get together later with Kelsey and daughter and her husband, and then after that with the rest of my all in all, it was a very enjoyable day. We missed Brad, but look forward to being able to spend some relaxed time with him later.  I love our family!

Ok...enough about Christmas.  In the chicken is cleaning out time.  This is a hard time....Rod is kept very busy cleaning out the chicken house after it is empty of chickens getting ready for the next round.  In the other house he still has chickens, so he also has them to keep taking care of.  So, he doesn't have much spare time.  I feel bad for him.  Hopefully he will soon show me how to drive a tractor or something so that I can help him...but for now, I am sort of useless out there.  I will say, though, when I go out to the chicken house doesn't stink so much! And the sawdust is nice and clean! :)

Now....I know you all have been anxiously awaiting the final results of my it is.......drum roll please...........(I don't know how to type out a drum roll...sorry! hehehe)    Out of 38 people willing to answer my questions.....Do you like your toilet paper roll on over or under? and when you use toilet paper do you fold it or wad it?......Over is definitely the winner 32-6!   WooHoo!! I knew it!  And here is a small tidbit of information that my husband informed me of when we talked about toilet paper.....over is the correct way because if you take notice on toilet paper that has a design like a flower or something, if you put in on over, then the picture is upright.  But if you put it on under, the design is upside down! Yep...I looked!  The toilet paper with a design that we have is made that way!!!  Cool info, huh? the second part...this was much closer and much more difficult for people.  I only gave you two choices...folded or wadded...and several said something in the form of loosely folded.  So, in the end, since the loosely folded ended up an even number, I just split it and gave to both sides.  The results....VERY close...but folded won by two....20-18! I can not believe how neat some of you people out there must be! Wow! Good for you for taking the time to would be more of a wadder!  Anyway, thank you all for your participation! :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me!!

Until next more chicken!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts - sorry to hear about your internet though. Here's a little tip for next time the internet doesn't cooperate and you still want to post. Type your post in a word document (Like you would a little or paper), then when the internet is working you can just copy and paste to your blog post write screen. (Hope that makes sense.) It doesn't fix the problem, but you can type, save and then when it's working just copy, paste and post :)

    Happy New Year!
